Monday, February 16, 2009

Speakers at the Facebook Developer Garage

And now...
The moment you have all been waiting for...

It's the SPEAKER LIST for the Facebook Developer Garage, in Chicago, on Friday February 20th 2009!! (I know, I know. You've all been wondering, for the past week, who is presenting at the event. Well, you can calm down now and put down those smelling salts! Here's the list... enjoy!)

Luke Shepard: Luke is a University of Chicago alum who is on the Facebook Platform team and one of the head engineers on Connect. He will be flying in from California to speak at the event. During the FB Dev Garage, he will be giving a technical session of how to build a Facebook Connect implementation. Don't know what Facebook Connect is? Learn about it here.

Craig Ulliott: Craig is the founder and CTO of Where I've Been. After starting his first development company at age 19, Craig has worked on various technology projects both in Europe and the US. His successes with Where I've Been have been covered in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek. Craig will be speaking doing various demos of the new, amazing Where I've Been homepage. He'll also be speaking about how the Where I've Been API and authentication layer allow data to be portable across networks.

Sachin Agarwal: Sachin is the Co-Founder, President, and Chief Executive of Dawdle, the most fantastic gamer’s online marketplace I've ever been to. Seriously! Sachin will be speaking about how to use Facebook to establish trust. Chicago-based startup, Dawdle, is one of the only sites out there that actively rewards users for encouraging others to leave the site and check out Facebook. Find out more about how got started and why.

Jennifer Beese: Jenn is the social networking manager for The Printed Blog. The Printed Blog is an independent media outlet that aggregates user-generated content from the Internet and publishes it twice daily via print. The result is a revolutionary newspaper that reads and functions like a web feed - yet can still be enjoyed on the train or spread across the breakfast table, for an uninterrupted, pleasurably tactile experience. Want to know more? Read on.
[source: The Printed Blog]

Keith Schacht: Keith is the founder of one of the leading Facebook application companies, Crafted Fun. Crafted Fun launched their first application just weeks after the platform opened and continue to draw millions of users every month. Keith will present, "How NOT to Build a Facebook Application--Lessons learned from past mistakes." Prior to Crafted Fun Keith started and sold two technology companies. He has been featured in Fortune, Forbes, BusinessWeek, and Business 2.0 and years ago was named by BusinessWeek as one of the top 20 entrepreneurs under 25.

Ben Parr: Ben Parr is a serial entrepreneur, technology blogger, and science-fiction writer. He has launched Facebook applications, including FriendQuilt, helped revitalize a health website, written a science fiction novel, and covered startups and social media as a writer for the popular technology blog Mashable. During the garage, Ben will be speaking about emerging trends in internet entrepreneurship and, related to that, finding a business model in the suffering economy. You can view Ben Parr's fantastic Mashable articles here.

Want to know more details? Shoot me an email at katy [at] whereivebeen [dot] com.


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